Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Men’s Body Hair Removal – What Are The Top Options?

Are you worried about excessive hair on your body? Check out these best solutions for body hair removal in men.

Men’s focus on grooming needs has increased over the last few decades. As of today, men also demand smooth body skin.

Dermatologists highlight the fact that men aren’t too keen on “clearing” it up, but prefer a proper shave for hygienic standards. Therefore, we will discuss some of the popular men’s body hair removal options that are available these days.

Laser Hair Removal. Killing hair roots – this is what laser hair removal treatment does to men. However, it doesn’t kill the follicles, which makes hair growth slower. Costing $400-500 per treatment, this is one of the effective hair removal methods that men may consider.

Soy Waxing. Long gone are that gooey stuff to strip hair off your body. The latest of soy waxing involves a prepared cloth and creamy lotion for application and removal. This may cost around $10-70, depending on the area it covers. Check with a salon, if you haven’t done anything even close.

Back Shavers. Men wanting back hair removal can find sharp & safe razors to clean it off. It may cost under $40 and that too with creams, blades, etc. Just make sure you try a wet shaving than dry shaving. Also, you can use the lathering process to soften those hairs on your body.

Men who seek permanent hair removal can opt for electrolysis, which is a time-consuming procedure. It also costs somewhere between $40 and $50.

Monday, 2 December 2019

Phillips Norelco Body Groomer

Isn’t trying Philips Norelco body groomer too hard for shaving for back hair? Instead, you should have the latest baKblade 2.0 Mangroomer for back hair removal. Learn more about it.