Friday, 11 December 2020

Hey Boys and Men Groom yourself to Stand & Shine in the Crowd!

Obviously a person uses a selected body groomer to shave, style, and trim hair. The types of grooming accessories range from the manual razor to the electric hair clipper as well as from the nose hair trimmers and tweezers. These Men's Body Hair Removal tools are used in conjunction with various lotions, gels and creams to make hair shaving, styling and trimming easier, faster and safer.

Growing with the Trend:

Well, the days modified and then did the approach men went concerning their personal grooming and, in consequence, their views concerning the body groomer. Men today have adopted grooming their entire body from their heads to their feet that is additionally to the standard daily morning shave of their facial hair. In the case of men with facial hair like beards, goatees and mustaches, shaving is replaced with styling their facial hair to the desired shape, style and thickness.

A Matter of Personal Preference:

  • Women are possibly to be interested in men who are well-groomed from head to foot. Keep in mind that sexual attraction between the sexes often start with physical attraction while emotional attraction follows after somebody has caught your eye, so to speak. Yes, do not forget to use the simplest nose hair trimmer too, since hair sticking from your nostrils may be a huge turn-off.


  • An athlete will use a Mangroomer to enhance their competitive edge. This applies to swimmers, track and field athletes, and cyclists with the most purpose being to minimize drag and wind resistance. Bodybuilders use the body groomer to showcase their bulging muscles particularly throughout competitions.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Unique Gifts For Men

Bakblade 2.0 has successfully topped as one of the unique gifts for men. So, if you are planning to buy this man’s body groomer, visit


Unique Gifts For Men


Friday, 9 October 2020

Know the Brief Overview Regarding Back Hair Removal by Shaving

Whether you are at the beach or in the locker room or working outside around the house, removing a shirt for men is common practice. An uncommon sight to see is what looks like a rug or carpet hanging on guys back. Society usually accepts seeing hair on men on their chest, face arms or legs, but seeing hair on the back attaches a certain stigma and is generally considered unpleasant by members of the opposite sex. There are many options out there to help with Back Hair Removal and it is becoming more normal as men are becoming more concerned with improving their grooming habits, leading to a new term called man-scaping.
Back Hair Removal

Why to Choose Shaving in Back Hair Removal?

Shaving is fast, cost effective and usually painless. On the downside, the hair grows back rather quick, your back could get rashes or cuts and as the hair grows back in, it can grow in even thicker. It is important to note that you need to make sure you choose the correct razor for the job. You have the choice of using a Back Shaver from the Bakblade Confidence Kit. The manual razors come equipped with a longer handle than normal ones and are more adjustable for those tough to reach areas. Shaving requires extreme dedication since the hair will start to grow back in a few short days.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Choose Laser Treatment for Men’s Body Hair Removal

 Usually, hair removal process used to be a female thing, unless you were a star, public icon, body builder, swimmer, and dancer, the chances were very less that is remained untouched throughout the life.

Back Hair Removal

Now this is a fashion for all still most of men do not necessarily want it all removed but increasingly they do want it thinned out, on their back and chest. Professional experts says - men who want waxing on their eyebrows - they want to take away that unibrow look and they want a shaping -- plus they want the area around their ears or the back of the neck cleaned up as well. But unlike women, for whom hair removal is second nature by junior high school, men often find themselves at a loss for Back Hair Removal.

But different media reports suggest that many men are now opting for long time staple as like female and there are number of options available today – you can choose Laser treatment for Men’s Body Hair Removal, it lasts long but not permanent. Actually the laser light kills the hair root but not the follicle. So hair can grow at the same place but it’s difficult.

Apart from laser treatment back blade is also available with specially designed handles to remove back hair whenever you need.  This is also an easy process and you can do it by your own by changing the blades after 3-4 shaves.  You can order the quality blades by sitting at your home from BAKBLADE.COM. It’s very useful and removes all the hair smoothly without any hesitation from your back. So it’s a really good choice rather than using any laser treatment.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Want to Buy Unique Gifts for Men? We Have Some ‘Clean’ Suggestions.

Wallets or perfumes – you can certainly do better than this.

At times like these when people are restricted at their homes & wondering if prepping Dalgona Coffee is essential for Insta-repute or not, we have rather practical things to excite you about.

Unique Gifts For Men

Of late (better late than never…), people have started focusing on their personal hygiene and sanitation, at least in a given global health crisis situation. In these testing times, you can discover a little how these are crucial in your search for unique gifts for men and onwards.

Here’s what you know.

A beard trimmer, a shaving kit, men’s grooming pack of face care essentials, etc. are favorite alternative ideas for gifting them. But, you can gather your focus on something more pivotal than this too – the body hair.

Now, let us get this straight that face-shaving blades & trimmers are available, but a few questions remain unanswered, which are:
  • Can they reach hard-to-reach areas, such as back & corners?
  • Are they safe & smooth enough for the body?

We think the above two are sufficient to rethink using blades or cartridges or whatever. You can put your search ON to find their answers…

For now, let’s make it easy for you.

Bakblade 2.0’s Elite Shaving Tool with DRYGlide blades is notching the best gifts for men due to an excellently designed ergonomic style for back or body hair cleaning, safe & secure blades to that stuff, and easy-cleaning features. You can downright select this gift for a man who’d love it for all of its practicality & astonishing features.

Friday, 20 March 2020

How Do I Remove My Back Hair Without Spending Too Much?

Jeez…. it’s pathetic back there!!!

Grooming is one of the most important activities in our life. However, more or less, we men have been slightly negligent on that part. Reason? That could be anything from laziness to tough-to-clean areas to awkward feelings. We know that these reasons are excellent enough for some of us, but it’s not cool at all.

Back Hair Removal

Imagine a lump of hair sitting on your back and you’re just hanging in on there like some sort of knapsack or something. Clearly, men who don’t like hairy backs seek solutions that are easy, quick, and affordable. Dear men, I have listened to your queries and made this quick list to address your situation.
  • Hair Removal Creams

Depilatories are said to be the go-to ones for back hair removal as well as the intimate areas. Well, if you have less dense hair since the time you hit puberty, this is helpful for you. You can apply those creams or lotions on the back and remove them using a spatula or any other safe removal tool. Though this is safe, it is not considered effective for a significant count of men.
  • Shaving Razors

Please use a different cartridge. Not the one you use on your face. A tough task to do, but if you can manage to apply the shaving foam or cream on the back, you can do it yourself. Or, you should ask a co-helper to get rid of that. Sometimes, it is dangerous because you might cause a nick or bruise while doing it. Not recommended.
  • Waxing

Men do waxing too! Yes, there’s nothing to challenge your masculinity here. You need a partner on this to remove the wax off your back. This is slightly painful, but effective as hairs don’t grow back that often like they do in shaving or using creams.

Apart from the above, you can use a back hair shaver from Bakblade that is ergonomically designed for back hair removal, eliminating any fear of bruises/nicks, awkward movements, or a partner. Find out more about it!

Monday, 9 March 2020

Back Hair Removal

Tame the hairy back: baKblade 2.0 is an excellent Mangroomer for back hair removal with ease. Check out the Amazon reviews given by genuine buyers/users.

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Men’s Body Hair Removal – The Fuss You Can’t Ignore

“Don’t be fussy, it’s just hair…”

“Dude, waxing does it better...”

Are you getting some of the recommendations, suggestions, and taunts like the above? If yes, this one’s a good read for you.

Modern men with body hair feel grooming is an essential part of their life. In the age of ab-exposure, one can’t stop baring it off! However, bear-like hair all over the body makes it difficult to do that.

Men’s Body Hair Removal

While men’s body hair removal comes as a topic, it’s not that it has been aloof from modern machinations or ideas to make it simple. Trimming body hair is one of the efficient ways to cut short the growth, but it won’t clean it properly. Though a shaving razor feels the only option, it draws ire due to various issues like reachability on the back areas, safety, and clean shave.

In all of these circumstances, a versatile solution comes in the form of Bakblade 2.0. Yes, with versatile DRYglide® technology, this mangroomer enables fastest, easiest, pin-less, and comfortable body hair removal. Unrivaled, the Bakblade 2.0 is a multi-environment body hair removing tool, where it doesn’t matter if the hair is wet/dry or back/front.

For smooth & clean shave in minutes, the ergonomic handle of Bakblade 2.0 works wonders. It doesn’t allow you to worry about safety or any other issues due to the advanced, patented design it has. The creators have innovated a device for men to keep their grooming top-notch all the time.